example | |
oglplus | |
example.hpp | Declares a common base class for examples |
example_main.hpp | Implements common code shared by examples |
example_mt.hpp | Declares a common utilities for multi-threaded examples |
qt4gl_main.hpp | |
qt5gl_main.hpp | |
standalone | |
glut_glew_example.hpp | |
include | |
oglplus | |
bound | |
buffer.hpp | Specialization of ObjectOps for Buffer |
framebuffer.hpp | Specialization of ObjectOps for Framebuffer |
renderbuffer.hpp | Specialization of ObjectOps for Renderbuffer |
texture.hpp | Specialization of ObjectOps for Texture |
context | |
blending.hpp | Wrappers for blending operations |
buffer_clearing.hpp | Wrappers for operations clearing the buffers |
buffer_masking.hpp | Wrappers for operations for fine control of buffer updates |
buffer_selection.hpp | Wrappers for functions selecting the buffers for read/write operations |
capabilities.hpp | Wrappers for OpenGL capability-related functions |
computing.hpp | Wrappers for general purpose computing operations |
depth_test.hpp | Wrappers for depth tests and operations |
drawing.hpp | Wrappers for drawing operations |
errors.hpp | Wrappers for error reporting operations |
hints.hpp | Wrappers for hints |
limit_queries.hpp | Wrappers for implementation-dependent-limit queries |
logical_ops.hpp | Wrappers for color logical operations |
numeric_queries.hpp | Wrappers for GL numeric queries |
object_binding.hpp | Wrappers for object binding operations |
object_dsa.hpp | Functions giving direct state acess to OGLplus Objects |
pixel_ops.hpp | Wrappers for pixel storage and transfer operations |
rasterization.hpp | Wrappers for basic point, line and polygon resterization operations |
scissor_test.hpp | Wrappers for scissor tests and operations |
stencil_test.hpp | Wrappers for stencil tests and operations |
string_queries.hpp | Wrappers for GL string queries |
synchronization.hpp | Wrappers for synchronization operations |
viewport.hpp | Wrappers for viewport-related operations |
dsa | |
buffer.hpp | Buffer wrappers with direct state access |
buffer_map.hpp | BufferMap wrappers with direct state access |
framebuffer.hpp | Framebuffer object wrappers with direct state access |
renderbuffer.hpp | Renderbuffer object wrappers with direct state access |
texture.hpp | Texture object wrappers with direct state access |
transform_feedback.hpp | TransformFeedback object wrappers with direct state access |
uniform.hpp | Uniform direct state access wrappers |
vertex_array.hpp | VertexArray wrappers with direct state access |
vertex_attrib.hpp | VertexArrayAttrib wrappers with direct state access |
error | |
basic.hpp | Declaration of basic OGLplus' exceptions |
code.hpp | Enumeration of error-codes |
framebuffer.hpp | Framebuffer exceptions |
glfunc.hpp | Declaration of MissingFunction exception |
limit.hpp | Limited value error |
object.hpp | Declaration of OGLplus object-related error |
prog_var.hpp | Declaration of OGLplus program-variable-related error |
program.hpp | Program errors |
ext | |
ARB_compatibility | |
attrib_group.hpp | The CompatibilityAttributeGroup enumerations |
matrix_mode.hpp | The CompatibilityMatrixMode enumeration |
primitive_type.hpp | The CompatibilityPrimitiveType enumeration |
ARB_debug_output | |
severity.hpp | The DebugOutputARBSeverity enumeration |
source.hpp | The DebugOutputARBSource enumeration |
type.hpp | The DebugOutputARBType enumeration |
ARB_robustness | |
graphics_reset_status.hpp | Wrapper for the ARB_robustness graphics reset status enumeration |
reset_notif_strategy.hpp | Wrapper for the ARB_robustness graphics reset notification strategy |
EXT_direct_state_access | |
matrix.hpp | |
KHR_debug | |
severity.hpp | The DebugSeverity enumeration |
source.hpp | The DebugSource enumeration |
type.hpp | The DebugType enumeration |
NV_path_rendering | |
cap_style.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering cap style enumeration |
color.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering color enumeration |
color_format.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering color format enumeration |
command.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering command enumeration |
dash_offset_reset.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering dash offset reset enumeration |
fill_cover_mode.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering fill cover mode enumeration |
fill_mode.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering fill mode enumeration |
font_style.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering font style enumeration |
font_target.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering font target enumeration |
format.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering format enumeration |
gen_mode.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering generation mode enumeration |
join_style.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering extension |
list_mode.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering list mode enumeration |
metric_query.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering metric query enumeration |
missing_glyph.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering missing glyph enumeration |
path.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering path class |
path_array.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering path array class |
path_spec.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering path specification wrapper |
stroke_cover_mode.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering stroke cover mode enumeration |
text_encoding.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering text encoding enumeration |
transform_type.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering transform type enumeration |
AMD_performance_monitor.hpp | Wrapper for the AMD_performance_monitor extension |
ARB_compatibility.hpp | Wrapper for the ARB_compatibility extension |
ARB_copy_image.hpp | Wrapper for the ARB_copy_image extension |
ARB_debug_output.hpp | Wrapper for the ARB_debug_output extension |
ARB_robustness.hpp | Wrapper for a subset of the ARB_robustness extension |
ATI_meminfo.hpp | Wrapper for the ATI_meminfo extension |
EXT_direct_state_access.hpp | Wrapper for a subset of the EXT_direct_state_access extension |
KHR_debug.hpp | Wrapper for the KHR_debug extension |
NV_copy_image.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_copy_image extension |
NV_path_rendering.hpp | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering extension |
images | |
brushed_metal.hpp | Brushed metal texture generator |
cell.hpp | Voronoi/Worley cell image generators |
checker.hpp | Checker image generator |
cloud.hpp | Cloud 3d texture generator |
filtered.hpp | Base class for image filters |
fwd.hpp | Forward declarations of Image-related classes |
gradient.hpp | Gradient image generator |
image.hpp | Image data wrapper |
image_spec.hpp | Texture image specification |
load.hpp | Image loader which finds and loads an image from its name |
metaballs.hpp | Metaballs texture generator |
newton.hpp | Newton fractal image generator |
normal_map.hpp | Filter creating a normal+height map out of a height map |
png.hpp | PNG image loader (based on libpng) |
random.hpp | Random image generator |
sort_nw.hpp | Generator of an image that encodes a sorting network |
sphere_bmap.hpp | Generator of a normal/depth map with "imprinted" sphere |
squares.hpp | Generator of a image covered with reqular squares |
transformed.hpp | Filter transforming image RGB components by a 4x4 matrix |
voronoi.hpp | Voronoi diagram image generators |
worley.hpp | Worley cells image generators |
xpm.hpp | XPM (X Pix Map) image loader |
math | |
angle.hpp | Angle utility class |
compile_time.hpp | |
constants.hpp | Math constants |
curve.hpp | Quadratic, cubic and higher-order (bezier) curves and splines |
matrix.hpp | A matrix class |
plane.hpp | Plane in 3D space utility class |
quaternion.hpp | A quaternion class |
slerp.hpp | A template for spherical-linear interpolation |
sphere.hpp | Sphere utility class |
vector.hpp | A vector class |
native | |
common_glx.hpp | Declaration of common functions used by GLX object wrappers |
common_wgl.hpp | Declaration of common functions used by WGL object wrappers |
context_glx.hpp | Wrapper for native current GLX/OpenGL context |
context_wgl.hpp | Wrapper for native current WGL/OpenGL context |
surface_glx.hpp | Wrapper for native current GLX/OpenGL surface |
surface_wgl.hpp | Wrapper for native current WGL/OpenGL surface |
object | |
array.hpp | Array data structure |
auto_rebind.hpp | Object-target binding utilities |
bound.hpp | Operations on currently bound objects |
desc.hpp | Declaration of Object description |
group.hpp | A group of object references |
name.hpp | Base class for OpenGL "named" objects |
name_tpl.hpp | Base template for all "named" objects |
optional.hpp | Template wrapper for Objects, making them optional |
reference.hpp | Reference to an existing Object |
seq_tpl.hpp | |
sequence.hpp | Sequence of Object names |
tags.hpp | GL Object tag types |
type.hpp | ObjectType enumeration |
wrap_tpl.hpp | Template for object wrappers |
wrapper.hpp | Generic OpenGL object wrapper |
opt | |
application.hpp | Application/startup options-related declarations unrelated to OpenGL |
debug_output.hpp | Wrapper for the GL debug output functionality |
list_init.hpp | Helper classes and function for compile-time container initialization |
ranges.hpp | Range-related algorithms |
resources.hpp | Resource (texture, model, etc.) file find functions |
shader_literals.hpp | User-defined string literals resulting in shader objects |
smart_enums.hpp | Implements syntax sugar for shortening enumerated values |
prog_var | |
callers.hpp | |
lazy.hpp | Lazy program variable wrapper |
location.hpp | Program variable location wrapper |
optional.hpp | Optional program variable wrapper |
set_ops.hpp | |
type_ops.hpp | Program variable type operations |
typecheck.hpp | Helper classes and functions used for program variable typechecking |
typechecked.hpp | Typechecked program variable wrapper |
varpara_fns.hpp | |
wrapper.hpp | Program variable wrapper |
shapes | |
analyzer.hpp | Class that analyzes mesh/shape properties for further processing |
analyzer_data.hpp | Storage of analyzed mesh/shape properties used for further processing |
blender_mesh.hpp | Blender mesh loader |
cage.hpp | Cage builder |
cube.hpp | Cube builder |
draw.hpp | Implementation of shape draw instructions |
grid.hpp | Grid builder |
icosahedron.hpp | Icosahedron builder |
obj_mesh.hpp | Loader of meshes stored in .obj file format |
plane.hpp | Plane builder |
revolve.hpp | Shape builders revolving splines in full circles |
screen.hpp | Builder for a rectangle covering the screen |
sky_box.hpp | SkyBox builder |
sphere.hpp | UV-Sphere builder |
spiral_sphere.hpp | Builder of a partial sphere shape made from spiraling bands |
subdiv_sphere.hpp | SubdivSphere builder |
tetrahedrons.hpp | Special shape builder used in implicit surface polygonisation |
torus.hpp | Torus builder |
twisted_torus.hpp | TwistedTorus builder |
vector.hpp | PointAndVector builder |
vert_attr_info.hpp | Classes providing additional information about the shape builders |
wicker_torus.hpp | WickerTorus builder |
wrapper.hpp | Wrapper managing VAOs, VBOs and instructions used to render a shape |
string | |
def.hpp | String type definition and related functions |
empty.hpp | Empty std::string |
ref.hpp | String reference |
ref_ios.hpp | String reference iostream operators |
ref_tpl.hpp | String reference |
utf8.hpp | |
utils | |
filesystem.hpp | |
nothing.hpp | |
xml.hpp | |
access_specifier.hpp | Access type specifier enumeration |
all.hpp | All-in-one inclusion of everything in OGLplus |
bitfield.hpp | OpenGL bitfield-related helpers |
blend_function.hpp | OpenGL blending function and equation enumeration |
blit_filter.hpp | Enumeration of Blit operation filtering modes |
buffer.hpp | Buffer wrappers |
buffer_binding.hpp | Buffer binding point indices |
buffer_data.hpp | Object wrapping data to be stored in a Buffer |
buffer_gpu_addr.hpp | Object representing Buffer's GPU address |
buffer_map.hpp | Buffer map wrapper |
buffer_map_access.hpp | Buffer map access enumeration/bitfield |
buffer_select_bit.hpp | Color, depth or stencil buffer selection bit enumeration |
buffer_size.hpp | Object representing Buffer's storage size in bytes |
buffer_storage_bit.hpp | Buffer storage bit enumeration |
buffer_target.hpp | Buffer bind target enumerations |
buffer_usage.hpp | Buffer usage enumeration |
capability.hpp | Enumeration of OpenGL capabilities that can be Enabled/Disabled |
color_buffer.hpp | OpenGL Color buffer enumeration |
color_logic_operation.hpp | OpenGL color logic operation enumeration |
compare_function.hpp | OpenGL test/comparison function enumeration |
context.hpp | Declaration of OpenGL's state wrapper |
context_flag_bit.hpp | GL context flag bit enumeration |
context_profile_bit.hpp | GL context profile bit enumeration |
context_release_behavior.hpp | Flush control enumerations |
data_type.hpp | Data type-related declarations |
enumerations.hpp | Enumeration-related declarations |
extension.hpp | Funcions and classes for handling and wrapping OpenGL extensions |
face_mode.hpp | OpenGL face type-related enumeration |
frag_data.hpp | Fragment data output wrappers |
frag_data_slot.hpp | FragDataSlot object |
framebuffer.hpp | Framebuffer object wrappers |
framebuffer_attachment.hpp | OpenGL Framebuffer attachment enumerations |
framebuffer_status.hpp | Framebuffer status enumeration |
framebuffer_target.hpp | Framebuffer bind target enumerations |
fwd.hpp | Forward declarations |
gl.hpp | Includes GL3/gl3.h and disables gl.h/glext.h |
glfunc.hpp | Helper macro for optional checking of availability of GL function |
glsl_source.hpp | Helper class storing source code in GLSL |
glsl_string.hpp | Helper classes for passing source code in GLSL as parameters |
graphics_reset_status.hpp | Wrapper for the graphics reset status enumeration |
hint.hpp | Enumeration of hint targets and options |
lib.hpp | All-in-one Include file for the separatelly-built library |
limit_query.hpp | OpenGL min/max implementation-dependent limit queries |
limited_value.hpp | Generic OpenGL implementation-dependend limited value wrapper |
memory_barrier.hpp | OpenGL memory barrier bits enumeration |
named_string.hpp | NamedString wrapper class |
named_string_type.hpp | NamedString type specifier enumeration |
one_of.hpp | Variant helper class used mostly with enums |
output_data.hpp | Object wrapping buffer to store output data |
patch_parameter.hpp | OpenGL patch parameters enumeration |
pixel_data.hpp | Pixel data-related declarations |
pixel_storage_mode.hpp | OpenGL pixel storage mode parameter names |
polygon_mode.hpp | OpenGL polygon rasterization mode-related enumeration |
precision_type.hpp | OpenGL precision type-related declarations |
primitive_type.hpp | OpenGL primitive type-related declarations |
program.hpp | Program wrappers |
program_interface.hpp | OpenGL program interface enumeration |
program_pipeline.hpp | ProgramPipeline object wrappers |
program_pipeline_stage.hpp | ProgramPipelineStage enumeration |
program_resource.hpp | OpenGL program resource wrapper |
provoke_mode.hpp | OpenGL provoking vertex mode enumeration |
query.hpp | Query object wrappers |
renderbuffer.hpp | Renderbuffer object wrappers |
renderbuffer_target.hpp | Renderbuffer bind target enumerations |
reset_notif_strategy.hpp | Wrapper for the graphics reset notification strategy |
sampler.hpp | Sampler object wrappers |
shader.hpp | Shader wrappers |
shader_type.hpp | Shader type enumeration |
stencil_operation.hpp | OpenGL stencil operation enumeration |
string_query.hpp | OpenGL string query enumeration |
sync.hpp | Sync object wrappers |
texture.hpp | Texture object wrappers |
texture_compare.hpp | |
texture_filter.hpp | Texture magnification/minification filter enumerations |
texture_handle.hpp | Bindless Texture handle wrapper |
texture_swizzle.hpp | Texture swizzle-related classes and enumerations |
texture_target.hpp | Texture target enumeration |
texture_unit.hpp | Texture and image unit selectors |
texture_wrap.hpp | Texture wrap enumerations |
transform_feedback.hpp | TransformFeedback object wrappers |
transform_feedback_mode.hpp | TransformFeedbackMode enumeration |
transform_feedback_target.hpp | TransformFeedbackTarget enumeration |
transform_feedback_type.hpp | TransformFeedbackType enumeration |
uniform.hpp | Uniform wrappers |
uniform_block.hpp | Named uniform block wrappers |
uniform_subroutines.hpp | Wrapper for uniform subroutine operations |
vertex_array.hpp | VertexArray wrappers |
vertex_attrib.hpp | VertexAttrib wrappers |
vertex_attrib_slot.hpp | VertexAttribSlot object |
oglplus | |
doc.hpp | Documentation-only declarations |