Mirror reflection library - Rubber type-erasure utility 0.5.13

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
rubber::iteration_infoHelper structure used by the range::for_each_ii member function
rubber::meta_classClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaClasses
rubber::meta_class_memberClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaClassMembers
rubber::meta_constructorClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaConstructors
rubber::meta_containerClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaContainers
rubber::meta_enumClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaEnums
rubber::meta_enum_valueClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaEnumValues
rubber::meta_eraserClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaErasers
rubber::meta_free_variableClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaFreeVariables
rubber::meta_functionClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaFunctions
rubber::meta_global_scopeClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaGlobalScope
rubber::meta_inheritanceClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaInheritances
rubber::meta_inserterClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaInserters
rubber::meta_locatorClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaLocators
rubber::meta_member_functionClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaMemberFunctions
rubber::meta_member_variableClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaMemberVariables
rubber::meta_meta_objectMeta-meta-object reflecting a meta-object
rubber::meta_named_objectClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaNamedObjects
rubber::meta_named_scoped_objectClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaNamedScopedObjects
rubber::meta_namespaceClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaNamespaces
rubber::meta_objectGeneral meta-object type-erasure
rubber::meta_overloaded_functionsClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaOverloadedFunctions
rubber::meta_parameterClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaParameter
rubber::meta_plain_free_variableClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaPlainFreeVariables
rubber::meta_plain_member_variableClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaPlainMemberVariables
rubber::meta_plain_variableClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaPlainVariables
rubber::meta_scopeClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaScopes
rubber::meta_scoped_objectClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaScopedObjects
rubber::meta_templated_classClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaTemplatedClasses
rubber::meta_templated_typeClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaTemplatedTypes
rubber::meta_traversalClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaTraversals
rubber::meta_typeClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaTypes
rubber::meta_type_templateClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaTypeTemplates
rubber::meta_typedefClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaTypedefs
rubber::meta_variableClass erasing the type of Mirror's MetaVariables
rubber::range< TypeErased >Class wrapping the Mirror's compile time Ranges
rubber::specifierClass wrapping Mirror's Specifiers

Copyright © 2006-2011 Matus Chochlik, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia.
<matus.chochlik -at- fri.uniza.sk>
<chochlik -at -gmail.com>
Documentation generated on Fri Dec 16 2011 by Doxygen (version 1.7.3).
Important note: Although the 'boostified' version of Mirror uses the Boost C++ libraries Coding Guidelines and is implemented inside of the boost namespace, it IS NOT an officially reviewed and accepted Boost library. Mirror is being developed with the intention to be submitted for review for inclusion to the Boost C++ libraries.