Mirror reflection library - Lagoon run-time layer 0.5.13

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
lagoon/categories.hpp [code]Definitions of the meta-object categories
lagoon/config.hpp [code]Compilation configuration options
lagoon/interfaces.hpp [code]Definitions of the run-time interfaces of meta-objects
lagoon/lagoon.hpp [code]The all-in-one inclusion of the whole Lagoon library
lagoon/lagoon_fwd.hpp [code]Forward declaration of the meta-level classes reflecting base-level program constructs
lagoon/meta_objects.hpp [code]Implementation of the meta-object interfaces
lagoon/polymorph_factory.hpp [code]Definitions of the interfaces for the polymorphic factories
lagoon/ranges.hpp [code]Range utilities
lagoon/reflection.hpp [code]Implementation of the reflctions functions and macros
lagoon/specifiers.hpp [code]Definitions of the specifiers and categorization tag values
lagoon/utils.hpp [code]Forward declaration of the meta-level classes reflecting base-level program constructs
lagoon/range/chain.hpp [code]Range modification chaining several ranges together
lagoon/range/container.hpp [code]A range that contains its elements used for example as a base class in several adapters
lagoon/range/contains.hpp [code]Checking if a range contains elements satisfying a predicate
lagoon/range/extract.hpp [code]Extracting only meta-objects with a requested interface
lagoon/range/find_if.hpp [code]Finding the first element satisfying a predicate
lagoon/range/flatten.hpp [code]Functions returning all members of a scope including nested members
lagoon/range/fold.hpp [code]Applying successively a binary functor on a state and every element in a range
lagoon/range/for_each.hpp [code]Executing a functor on all elements of a range
lagoon/range/fwd_decl.hpp [code]Forward declarations of range tool implementation details
lagoon/range/limit.hpp [code]Limitng the range to N elements
lagoon/range/link.hpp [code]Range modification linking several ranges together
lagoon/range/offset.hpp [code]Offsetting the range by N elements
lagoon/range/only_if.hpp [code]Finding the first element satisfying a predicate
lagoon/range/sort.hpp [code]Sorting the elements of the range by an ordering functor
lagoon/range/std_range.hpp [code]Adaptor turning a Lagoon range to a std range with begin/end
lagoon/range/transform.hpp [code]Transforming the elements of the range by a functor
lagoon/range/until.hpp [code]Range modification stopping the traversal when a predicate is satisfied
lagoon/range/utils.hpp [code]Utilites shared by various range modifier implementations
lagoon/utils/libpq_factory.hpp [code]Libpq-based polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/mijson_factory.hpp [code]RapidXML-based polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/rapidxml_factory.hpp [code]RapidXML-based polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/script_factory.hpp [code]Script-parsing framework polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/sdn_factory.hpp [code]Script-parsing framework polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/soci_factory.hpp [code]SOCI-based polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/sql_factory.hpp [code]SQL-based framework polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/wx_gui_factory.hpp [code]WxWidgets-based GUI polymorphic factory implementation
lagoon/utils/wxxml_factory.hpp [code]RapidXML-based polymorphic factory implementation
/home/chochlik/devel/mirror-lib/src/lagoon/example/classes.hpp [code]
/home/chochlik/devel/mirror-lib/src/lagoon/example/factories/person.hpp [code]
/home/chochlik/devel/mirror-lib/src/lagoon/example/factories/tetrahedron.hpp [code]

Copyright © 2006-2011 Matus Chochlik, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia.
<matus.chochlik -at- fri.uniza.sk>
<chochlik -at -gmail.com>
Documentation generated on Fri Dec 16 2011 by Doxygen (version 1.7.3).
Important note: Although the 'boostified' version of Mirror uses the Boost C++ libraries Coding Guidelines and is implemented inside of the boost namespace, it IS NOT an officially reviewed and accepted Boost library. Mirror is being developed with the intention to be submitted for review for inclusion to the Boost C++ libraries.