Mirror reflection library - Lagoon run-time layer 0.5.13


This example shows a sample implementation of the polymorphic factory builder interfaces and the usage of a polymorphic factory.

Copyright 2008-2011 Matus Chochlik. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

// We want to use Lagoon's polymorphic factories
// We don't need to traverse through namespace members.
// Using this CT switch can greatly improve compile times
// and the resulting executable size if namespace member
// traversal is not needed

// include stuff from both Lagoon and Mirror
#include <lagoon/lagoon.hpp>
#include <mirror/mirror.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <list>

// use the tetrahedron, triangle and vector classes
#include "./tetrahedron.hpp"


// Implementation of the polymorphic factory manager interface
/* A factory manager is responsible for the choosing of the constructor
 * that is to be used to create an instance of a Product type.
 * The information about the constructors available are passed to
 * the manager by the framework by the means of the  param member
 * function, which gets called once per every available constructor.
 * The manager should implement the index function which must return
 * the index of the constructor to be used.
class my_factory_manager
 : public polymorph_factory_manager
    std::list<std::string> ctr_labels;
    // Informs the manager about a constructor
    // The constructors can be iterated in normal
    // or reverse order
    raw_ptr add_constructor(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const shared<meta_constructor>& constructor,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context,
        bool backward_iteration
        std::string label(constructor->base_name());
        auto params = constructor->parameters();
            label.append(" ");
        else ctr_labels.push_back(label);
        return raw_ptr();

    // Returns the index of the constructor to be used
    int index(void)
        std::cout << "Pick a constructor " << std::endl;
        int idx = 0;
        for(auto i=ctr_labels.begin(), e=ctr_labels.end(); i!=e; ++i)
            std::cout << "  " << idx++ << ": " << *i << std::endl;
        idx = 0;
        std::cin >> idx;
        return idx;

// Implementation of the polymorphic factory composite
/* A composite contains native type manufacturers or
 * other composites recursivelly. One composite is created
 * per every non-native-typed constructor parameter.
 * Container can do special handling just before the creation
 * of the parameter value in the on_create member function.
class my_factory_composite
 : public polymorph_factory_composite
    std::string label;
    // uses the provided meta-data to create an info string
    my_factory_composite(const shared<meta_type>& product)
        label.append("a/an ");

    // uses the provided meta-data to create an info string
    my_factory_composite(const shared<meta_parameter>& param)
        label.append(" ");

    // print the info that we are about to create an elaborated object
    void on_create(void)
        std::cout << "Creating " << label << std::endl;

// Implementation of the polymorphic factory arrayer
/* An arrayer handles the construction of containers and contains
 * composites, or manufacturers recursivelly. An arrayer is created
 * for initializer list constructors of a class.
class my_factory_arrayer
 : public polymorph_factory_arrayer
    std::string label;

    typedef typename polymorph_factory_arrayer::element_producer
    // uses the provided meta-data to create an info string
    my_factory_arrayer(const shared<meta_type>& product)
        label.append("a/an ");

    // print the info that we are about to create an elaborated object
    void create(element_producer&)
        //TODO: add support for containers

// Implementation of the manufacturer template interface
/* Manufacturers are responsible for the "construction" of parameters
 * with native-types.
template <class Product>
class my_factory_manufacturer
 : public polymorph_factory_manufacturer<Product>
    std::string label;

    template <typename X, typename T>
    static void do_get(T& val)
        X x;
        std::cin >> x;
        val = T(x);

    template <typename T>
    static void get(T& val)
        std::cin >> val;

    static void get(bool& val)
        std::string x;
        std::cin >> x;
        val = (x == "true") || (x == "t") || (x != "0");

    static void get(unsigned char& val)
        do_get<unsigned long>(val);

    static void get(wchar_t& val)

    static void get(std::tm& val)
        int year, month;
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "year: " << std::flush;
        std::cin >> year;
        val.tm_year = year - 1900;
        std::cout << "month (1-12): " << std::flush;
        std::cin >> month;
        val.tm_mon = month - 1;
        std::cout << "day: " << std::flush;
        std::cin >> val.tm_mday;
        std::cout << "hour: " << std::flush;
        std::cin >> val.tm_hour;
        std::cout << "minutes: " << std::flush;
        std::cin >> val.tm_min;
        std::cout << "second: " << std::flush;
        std::cin >> val.tm_sec;
    // use the meta-data to create an informational string label
    my_factory_manufacturer(const shared<meta_parameter>& param)
        label.append(" ");

    // "creates" an instance of the Product type
    Product create(void)
        // in this case read the value from the standard input
        std::cout << "Enter " << label << ": " << std::flush;
        Product x = Product();
        return x;

// Implementation of the enumerator template interface
/* Enumerators are responsible for the "construction" of parameters
 * with enumerated types
class my_factory_enumerator
 : public polymorph_factory_enumerator
    shared<meta_enum> enumeration;
    std::string label;
    // use the meta-data to create an informational string label
    my_factory_enumerator(const shared<meta_parameter>& param)
     : enumeration(param->type().as<meta_enum>())
        label.append(" ");
        label.append(" {");
        for (int i=0, n=enumeration->size(); i!=n; ++i)
            if(i != 0) label.append(", ");

    // "creates" an instance of the enum type
    int create(void)
        std::cout << "Enter " << label << ": " << std::flush;
        std::string x;
            std::cin >> x;
                return enumeration->value_by_name(x);
        return 0;

// Implementation of the suppliers interface
/* Suppliers are responsible for getting existing instances for the parameter
 * described by the meta-data passed to the constructor.
 * This simple implementation does not support copy construction and always
 * returns a null pointer.
class my_factory_suppliers
 : public polymorph_factory_suppliers
    my_factory_suppliers(const shared<meta_parameter>& param)
    { }

    // we don't support copy construction in this implementation
    raw_ptr get(void)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "No external sources available. "\
            "(copy construction not supported for this type)"
        return raw_ptr();

// Partial implementation of the factory builder
/* This class instantiates the managers, composites and suppliers
 * during the creation of a concrete factory.
 * The make_* member functions are called by the polymorphic factory
 * framework as required for a factory constructing a concrete Product.
 * This class is plugged together with the my_factory_builder_unit into
 * the concrete_polymorph_factory_builder template to create a full
 * implementation of a factory builder.
class my_factory_builder_base
    my_factory_manager* make_manager(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context
        return new my_factory_manager();

    my_factory_composite* make_composite(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const shared<meta_type>& product,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context
        return new my_factory_composite(product);

    my_factory_arrayer* make_arrayer(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const shared<meta_type>& product,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context
        return new my_factory_arrayer(product);

    my_factory_composite* make_composite(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const shared<meta_parameter>& param,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context
        return new my_factory_composite(param);

    my_factory_suppliers* make_suppliers(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const shared<meta_parameter>& param,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context
        return new my_factory_suppliers(param);

    my_factory_enumerator* make_enumerator(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const shared<meta_parameter>& param,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context
        return new my_factory_enumerator(param);

// Partial implementation of the factory builder
/* This class instantiates manufacturers for a concrete product.
 * The make_manufacturer member function is called by the polymorphic factory
 * framework as required for a factory constructing a concrete Product.
 * This class is plugged together with the my_factory_builder_base into
 * the concrete_polymorph_factory_builder template to create a full
 * implementation of a factory builder.
template <class Product>
class my_factory_builder_unit
    my_factory_manufacturer<Product>* make_manufacturer(
        raw_ptr parent_data,
        const shared<meta_parameter>& param,
        const polymorph_factory_context& context
        return new my_factory_manufacturer<Product>(param);

/* Here we are using the concrete_polymorph_factory_builder helper template
 * to create a complete factory builder from the base parts implemented above.
 * The resulting builder can be used together with the meta_type's
 * make_factory() member function to build a factory which can be used to
 * create instances of the type reflected by the meta-type.
typedef concrete_polymorph_factory_builder<
> my_factory_builder;


int main(void)
        using namespace lagoon;
        // we'll need a concrete factory builder
        my_factory_builder builder;
        // reflect the tetrahedron class
        auto meta_th = reflected_class<test::tetrahedron>();
        // let the meta-object and the builder to make a factory
        // constructing tetrahedrons
        auto th_factory = meta_th->make_factory(builder, raw_ptr());
        // use the factory to create an instance of tetrahedron
        auto rth = th_factory->new_();
        // and cast the raw pointer to a pointer to a concrete type
        auto th = raw_cast<test::tetrahedron*>(rth);
        // print out the volume of the created tetrahedron
        std::cout << "The volume is " << th->volume() << std::endl;
        // delete the object
    catch(std::exception const& error)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << error.what() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Copyright © 2006-2011 Matus Chochlik, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia.
<matus.chochlik -at- fri.uniza.sk>
<chochlik -at -gmail.com>
Documentation generated on Fri Dec 16 2011 by Doxygen (version 1.7.3).
Important note: Although the 'boostified' version of Mirror uses the Boost C++ libraries Coding Guidelines and is implemented inside of the boost namespace, it IS NOT an officially reviewed and accepted Boost library. Mirror is being developed with the intention to be submitted for review for inclusion to the Boost C++ libraries.