Mirror reflection library - Lagoon run-time layer 0.5.13


This example shows the usage of the script-parsing automatically generated polymorphic factory to create instances of the test tetrahedron class.

Copyright 2008-2010 Matus Chochlik. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

// We want to use Lagoon's polymorphic factories
// We don't need to traverse through namespace members.
// Using this CT switch can greatly improve compile times
// and the resulting executable size if namespace member
// traversal is not needed

#include <mirror/mirror.hpp>
#include <mirror/stream.hpp>
#include <lagoon/lagoon.hpp>
#include <lagoon/utils/script_factory.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "./tetrahedron.hpp"

int main(void)
        using namespace lagoon;
        script_factory_builder builder;
        script_factory_input in;
        auto data = in.data();
        auto meta_th = reflected_class<test::tetrahedron>();
        auto th_factory = meta_th->make_factory(

        const char* inputs[] = {
            "test::tetrahedron( \
                test::triangle( \
                    test::vector(1, 0, 0), \
                    test::vector(0, 1, 0), \
                    test::vector() \
                ), \
                test::vector(0, 0, 6) \
            "test::tetrahedron( \
                test::triangle( \
                    test::vector(2, 0, 0), \
                    test::vector(0, 2, 0), \
                    test::vector(0.0) \
                ), \
                test::vector(0, 0, 3) \
            "test::tetrahedron( \
                test::vector(0, 0, 0), \
                test::vector(2, 0, 0), \
                test::vector(0, 2, 0), \
                test::vector(0, 0, 3) \
        const char** cur = inputs;
        const char** end = inputs + sizeof(inputs) / sizeof(inputs[0]);
        while(cur != end)
            std::string src(*cur++);
            // use the factory to construct a tetrahedron and calculate
            // its volume and base area
            raw_ptr pt = th_factory->new_();
            test::tetrahedron& t = *raw_cast<test::tetrahedron*>(pt);
            // ... and print them out
            std::cout << "the volume is " << t.volume() << " " << std::flush;
            std::cout << "the area of the base is " << t.base.area() << std::endl;
    catch(std::exception const& error)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << error.what() << std::endl;
    return 0;

/* Example of output:
the volume is 1 the area of the base is 0.5
the volume is 2 the area of the base is 2
the volume is 2 the area of the base is 2
the volume is 1 the area of the base is 1
the volume is 2 the area of the base is 6

Copyright © 2006-2011 Matus Chochlik, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia.
<matus.chochlik -at- fri.uniza.sk>
<chochlik -at -gmail.com>
Documentation generated on Fri Dec 16 2011 by Doxygen (version 1.7.3).
Important note: Although the 'boostified' version of Mirror uses the Boost C++ libraries Coding Guidelines and is implemented inside of the boost namespace, it IS NOT an officially reviewed and accepted Boost library. Mirror is being developed with the intention to be submitted for review for inclusion to the Boost C++ libraries.