Mirror reflection library - Puddle compile-time layer 0.5.13
This example shows the usage of the Puddle compile-time layer.
Copyright 2008-2011 Matus Chochlik. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <mirror/mirror.hpp> #include <mirror/utils/quick_reg.hpp> #include <puddle/puddle.hpp> #include <type_traits> #include <iostream> enum class month_name { january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december }; namespace weather { enum class type { sunny, clear, mostly_sunny, partly_sunny, partly_cloudy, mostly_cloudy, cloudy, overcast, storm, thunderstorm, snowstorm, mist, fog, light_rain, rain, showers, snow_showers, snow, hail }; enum class temperature_unit { degrees_celsius, degrees_fahrenheit }; enum class speed_unit { meters_per_second, kilometers_per_second, miles_per_hour, knots }; enum class cardinal_direction { N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW, NNE, ENE, NNW, WNW, SSE, ESE, SSW, WSW }; struct temperature { double value; temperature_unit units; }; struct wind_info { double avg_speed; double max_speed; speed_unit units; cardinal_direction direction; bool high_wind_warning; }; struct status { type conditions; temperature min_temperature, max_temperature; double humidity; wind_info wind; }; struct forecast { int year; month_name month; int day; std::string place; status morning, afternoon, evening, night; }; forecast today = { 2011, month_name::april, 10, "Tatry", { type::mostly_cloudy, {3.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {7.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 41.0, {25.0, 40.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::N, true} }, { type::overcast, {4.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {9.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 44.0, {20.0, 35.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::N, true} }, { type::rain, {7.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {13.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 47.0, {15.0, 30.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::NNW, true} }, { type::snow, {0.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {4.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 52.0, {5.0, 10.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::NW, false} } }; forecast tomorrow = { 2011, month_name::april, 11, "Tatry", { type::snow_showers, {-1.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {2.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 50.0, {5.0, 10.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::NW, false} }, { type::showers, {3.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {7.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 50.0, {2.0, 5.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::WNW, false} }, { type::mostly_cloudy, {7.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {12.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 47.0, {3.0, 7.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::W, false} }, { type::partly_cloudy, {2.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, {5.0, temperature_unit::degrees_celsius}, 40.0, {5.0, 10.0, speed_unit::meters_per_second, cardinal_direction::W, false} } }; } // namespace weather MIRROR_REG_BEGIN MIRROR_QREG_GLOBAL_SCOPE_ENUM(month_name, (january)(february)(march)(april)(may)(june) (july)(august)(september)(october)(november)(december) ) MIRROR_QREG_GLOBAL_SCOPE_NAMESPACE(weather) MIRROR_QREG_ENUM(weather, type, (sunny)(clear)(mostly_sunny)(partly_sunny)(partly_cloudy)(mostly_cloudy) (cloudy)(overcast)(storm)(thunderstorm)(snowstorm)(mist)(fog) (light_rain)(rain)(showers)(snow_showers)(snow)(hail) ) MIRROR_QREG_ENUM(weather, temperature_unit, (degrees_celsius)(degrees_fahrenheit) ) MIRROR_QREG_ENUM(weather, speed_unit, (meters_per_second)(kilometers_per_second)(miles_per_hour) (knots) ) MIRROR_QREG_ENUM(weather, cardinal_direction, (N)(S)(E)(W)(NE)(NW)(SE)(SW)(NNE)(ENE)(NNW)(WNW)(SSE)(ESE)(SSW)(WSW) ) MIRROR_QREG_POD_CLASS( struct, weather, temperature, (value)(units) ) MIRROR_QREG_POD_CLASS( struct, weather, wind_info, (avg_speed) (max_speed) (units) (direction) (high_wind_warning) ) MIRROR_QREG_POD_CLASS( struct, weather, status, (conditions) (min_temperature) (max_temperature) (humidity) (wind) ) MIRROR_QREG_POD_CLASS( struct, weather, forecast, (year)(month)(day) (place) (morning)(afternoon)(evening)(night) ) MIRROR_QREG_FREE_VARIABLES(weather, (today)(tomorrow)) MIRROR_REG_END class json_printer { private: int indent_level; std::ostream& indented(std::ostream& out) const { for(int i=0;i!=indent_level;++i) out << " "; return out; } template <typename T> static std::true_type is_writable( T*, decltype(std::cout << (*((T*)nullptr)) == std::cout) = false ); static std::false_type is_writable(...); // checks if T is directly writable to std::cout template <typename T> static auto writable(const T&) -> decltype(is_writable((T*)nullptr)); // prints types directly writable to ostream template <typename MetaObject> void do_print( MetaObject mo, mirror::meta_type_tag, std::true_type ) const { std::cout << "'" << mo.get() << "'"; } // prints enumerated type values template <typename MetaObject> void do_print( MetaObject mo, mirror::meta_enum_tag, std::false_type ) const { std::cout << "'" << mo.value_name() << "'"; } // prints elaborated type values which are not directly writable to cout template <typename MetaObject> void do_print( MetaObject mo, mirror::meta_class_tag, std::false_type ) const { if(mo.attributes().empty()) std::cout << "N/A"; else { std::cout << "{" << std::endl; mo.attributes().for_each(json_printer(indent_level+1)); indented(std::cout) << "}"; } } // prints a variable template <typename MetaVariable> void print(MetaVariable mv, mirror::meta_variable_tag) const { indented(std::cout) << "'" << mv.base_name() << "': "; std::false_type wr; auto cat = mv.type().category(); do_print(puddle::instance_of(mv), cat, wr); } // prints an instance template <typename MetaInstance> void print(MetaInstance mi, puddle::meta_instance_tag) const { indented(std::cout)<< "'" << mi.variable().base_name() << "': "; decltype(writable(mi.get())) wr; auto cat = mi.variable().type().category(); do_print(mi, cat, wr); } public: json_printer(int indent = 0) : indent_level(indent) { } template <typename MetaObject> void operator()(MetaObject mo, bool first, bool last) const { print(mo, mo.category()); if(!last) std::cout << ","; std::cout << std::endl; } }; int main(void) { auto meta_weather = puddle::adapt<MIRRORED_NAMESPACE(weather)>(); meta_weather.free_variables().for_each(json_printer()); std::cout << std::endl; return 0; } /* Example of output: | 'today': { | 'year': '2011', | 'month': 'april', | 'day': '10', | 'place': 'Tatry', | 'morning': { | 'conditions': 'mostly_cloudy', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '3', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '7', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '41', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '25', | 'max_speed': '40', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'N', | 'high_wind_warning': '1' | } | }, | 'afternoon': { | 'conditions': 'overcast', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '4', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '9', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '44', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '20', | 'max_speed': '35', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'N', | 'high_wind_warning': '1' | } | }, | 'evening': { | 'conditions': 'rain', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '7', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '13', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '47', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '15', | 'max_speed': '30', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'NNW', | 'high_wind_warning': '1' | } | }, | 'night': { | 'conditions': 'snow', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '0', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '4', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '52', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '5', | 'max_speed': '10', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'NW', | 'high_wind_warning': '0' | } | } | }, | 'tomorrow': { | 'year': '2011', | 'month': 'april', | 'day': '11', | 'place': 'Tatry', | 'morning': { | 'conditions': 'snow_showers', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '-1', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '2', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '50', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '5', | 'max_speed': '10', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'NW', | 'high_wind_warning': '0' | } | }, | 'afternoon': { | 'conditions': 'showers', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '3', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '7', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '50', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '2', | 'max_speed': '5', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'WNW', | 'high_wind_warning': '0' | } | }, | 'evening': { | 'conditions': 'mostly_cloudy', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '7', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '12', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '47', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '3', | 'max_speed': '7', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'W', | 'high_wind_warning': '0' | } | }, | 'night': { | 'conditions': 'partly_cloudy', | 'min_temperature': { | 'value': '2', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'max_temperature': { | 'value': '5', | 'units': 'degrees_celsius' | }, | 'humidity': '40', | 'wind': { | 'avg_speed': '5', | 'max_speed': '10', | 'units': 'meters_per_second', | 'direction': 'W', | 'high_wind_warning': '0' | } | } | } */