mirror/all.hpp [code] | All-in-one inclusion of everything in Mirror |
mirror/by_name.hpp [code] | Implementation of the by_name meta-function returning meta-variables reflecting class member variables by its name |
mirror/class_gen.hpp [code] | Implementation of the class generator utility |
mirror/cntnr_kind_tags.hpp [code] | Tags for container kinds |
mirror/cntnr_op_param_tags.hpp [code] | Tags for various container-modifying operation parameter kinds |
mirror/concept_check.hpp [code] | Concept conformance checking |
mirror/config.hpp [code] | Configuration options |
mirror/constructor_tags.hpp [code] | Declaration of tags for various constructor kinds like default, copy, move, custom, etc |
mirror/ct_string.hpp [code] | All-in-one inclusion of compile-time strings and algorithms |
mirror/factory.hpp [code] | Public interface for factory generators |
mirror/intrinsic.hpp [code] | Implementation of several intrinsic meta-functions for various meta-object concepts |
mirror/invoker.hpp [code] | Public interface for function invokers |
mirror/meta_class.hpp [code] | Implementation of class registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_container.hpp [code] | Implementation of container registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_enum.hpp [code] | Implementation of enum registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_function.hpp [code] | Registering/Reflection of free functions |
mirror/meta_meta_object.hpp [code] | Reflection of meta-objects |
mirror/meta_namespace.hpp [code] | Implementation of namespace registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_object_tags.hpp [code] | Declaration of trait/tag types for tag dispatching for Mirror's meta-objects |
mirror/meta_prog.hpp [code] | All-in-one inclusion of all meta-programming utilities |
mirror/meta_std_container.hpp [code] | Implementation of standard container registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_type.hpp [code] | Implementation of type registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_type_template.hpp [code] | Implementation of type registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_typedef.hpp [code] | Implementation of typedefined type registering and reflection |
mirror/meta_variable.hpp [code] | Registering/Reflection of free variables |
mirror/mirror.hpp [code] | All-in-one inclusion of nearly everything in Mirror |
mirror/mirror_base.hpp [code] | All-in-one inclusion of everything in Mirror without pre-registered namespaces, types, etc |
mirror/mirror_fwd.hpp [code] | Forward declaration of the meta-level classes reflecting base-level program constructs |
mirror/object_tagging.hpp [code] | Implementation of reflected object tagging |
mirror/preprocessor.hpp [code] | Various preprocessor utilities |
mirror/specifier_tags.hpp [code] | Declaration of tags for various specifier keywords like virtual, public/protected/private, static, etc |
mirror/stream.hpp [code] | Mirror std iostream utilities |
mirror/type_traits.hpp [code] | All-in-one include of the type traits defined by Mirror |
mirror/using_directive.hpp [code] | Implementation of the Mirror's using directive utility |
mirror/concept_check/meta_class.hpp [code] | MetaClass concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_constructor.hpp [code] | MetaConstructor concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_function.hpp [code] | MetaFunction concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_inheritance.hpp [code] | MetaInheritance concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_member_variable.hpp [code] | MetaMemberVariable concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_meta_object.hpp [code] | MetaScopedObject concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_named_object.hpp [code] | MetaNamedObject and MetaNamedScopedObject concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_namespace.hpp [code] | MetaNamespace and MetaGlobalScope concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_object.hpp [code] | MetaObject concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_parameter.hpp [code] | MetaMemberVariable concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_scope.hpp [code] | MetaScope concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_scoped_object.hpp [code] | MetaScopedObject concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_type.hpp [code] | MetaType concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_typedef.hpp [code] | MetaTypedef concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/meta_variable.hpp [code] | MetaVariable concept conformance test |
mirror/concept_check/utils.hpp [code] | Concept checking utilities |
mirror/ct_string/at.hpp [code] | Implementation of the at meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/basic_string.hpp [code] | Declaration of the compile-time basic_string |
mirror/ct_string/c_str.hpp [code] | Implementation of the c_str function |
mirror/ct_string/char_type.hpp [code] | Implementation of the char_type meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/compare.hpp [code] | Implementation of compile-time string comparison meta-functions |
mirror/ct_string/concat.hpp [code] | Implementation of the concat meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/contains.hpp [code] | Implementation of the contains meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/default.hpp [code] | Default implementation of the compile-time strings algorithms |
mirror/ct_string/empty.hpp [code] | Implementation of the empty and nonempty meta-functions |
mirror/ct_string/ends_with.hpp [code] | Implementation of the ends_with meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/evaluate.hpp [code] | Implementation of the evaluate meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/find.hpp [code] | Implementation of the find meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/front.hpp [code] | Implementation of the front meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/head.hpp [code] | Implementation of the head meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/size.hpp [code] | Implementation of the size and length meta-functions |
mirror/ct_string/skip_front.hpp [code] | Implementation of the skip_front meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/slice.hpp [code] | Implementation of the slice meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/starts_with.hpp [code] | Implementation of the starts_with meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/step_front.hpp [code] | Implementation of the step_front meta-function |
mirror/ct_string/tail.hpp [code] | Implementation of the tail meta-function |
mirror/doc/concepts.hpp [code] | Classes modelling the concepts defined by Mirror |
mirror/doc/concepts_container.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/concepts_ct_string.hpp [code] | Documentation of compile-time string concepts |
mirror/doc/concepts_fact_gen.hpp [code] | Concepts defined by the factory generator utility |
mirror/doc/concepts_fwd.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/concepts_meta_prog.hpp [code] | Documentation of meta-programming concepts |
mirror/doc/concepts_specifier.hpp [code] | Documentation of tag classes which reflect various base-level construct specifiers for storage class, accessibility, etc |
mirror/doc/factory_generator.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/maureen.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/reflection.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/registering.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/theory.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/usage.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/factories/generator_in_depth.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/factories/tut_sql_fact.hpp [code] | |
mirror/doc/factories/wx_gui_examples.hpp [code] | |
mirror/meta_prog/accumulate.hpp [code] | The accumulate run-time function for range elements |
mirror/meta_prog/and.hpp [code] | The and metafunction for boolean constant type |
mirror/meta_prog/append.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a range having the passed item appended |
mirror/meta_prog/apply_on_seq_pack.hpp [code] | Meta function calling the apply metafunction of a meta-function class with a range of integer params of 0,1, ..., N-1 |
mirror/meta_prog/as_a.hpp [code] | Evaluating of a meta-object expression to a specific concept |
mirror/meta_prog/before.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a sub-range of the given range ending before the first occurence of the searched type |
mirror/meta_prog/can_be_called.hpp [code] | Boolean meta-function checking if an intrinsic meta-function can be called on a specific MetaObject |
mirror/meta_prog/concat.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a range which is concatenation of other ranges |
mirror/meta_prog/contains.hpp [code] | Helper meta-function checking for the presence of a type in a range |
mirror/meta_prog/find.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a sub-range of the given range starting with the first occurence of the searched type |
mirror/meta_prog/flatten.hpp [code] | The flatten algorithm |
mirror/meta_prog/fold.hpp [code] | The range folding meta-function |
mirror/meta_prog/for_each.hpp [code] | The for_each run-time function for range elements |
mirror/meta_prog/forward_decl.hpp [code] | Forward declaration of the meta-programming utilities |
mirror/meta_prog/identity.hpp [code] | Identity template meta-function returning the type passed as argument. Also used in tag dispatching |
mirror/meta_prog/if.hpp [code] | The if-else metafunction for branching based on boolean constant type |
mirror/meta_prog/is_a.hpp [code] | Boolean meta-function checking if a MetaObject is a model of a specified concept |
mirror/meta_prog/is_one_of.hpp [code] | Boolean meta-function checking if a MetaObject is a model of a specified concept |
mirror/meta_prog/iter_info.hpp [code] | |
mirror/meta_prog/lacks.hpp [code] | Helper meta-function checking for the absence of a type in a range |
mirror/meta_prog/lambda.hpp [code] | Lambda expressions |
mirror/meta_prog/make_int_seq.hpp [code] | Meta-function template class returning a sequence of integral constant types from 0 to N-1 |
mirror/meta_prog/nil_term_pack.hpp [code] | Utilities for making ranges out of nil-type-terminated parameter packs |
mirror/meta_prog/nil_type.hpp [code] | Compile-time nil/null type |
mirror/meta_prog/not.hpp [code] | The negation metafunction for boolean constant type |
mirror/meta_prog/only_if.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a sub-range containing only elements of a range satisfying a predicate |
mirror/meta_prog/optional.hpp [code] | Compile-time optional type |
mirror/meta_prog/or.hpp [code] | The or metafunction for boolean constant type |
mirror/meta_prog/prepend.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a range having the passed item prepended |
mirror/meta_prog/range.hpp [code] | Forward type range |
mirror/meta_prog/traits.hpp [code] | Meta-function template classes for getting various traits of types defined in the mp scope |
mirror/meta_prog/transform.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a range containing elements transformed by a unary function |
mirror/meta_prog/unique.hpp [code] | Meta-function returning a range which contains the elements of the passed ranges without duplicities |
mirror/pre_registered/basic.hpp [code] | Pre-registration of the basic set of namespace, types, classes, etc. with Mirror |
mirror/pre_registered/default.hpp [code] | Pre-registration of the default set of namespace, types, classes, etc. with Mirror |
mirror/pre_registered/full.hpp [code] | Pre-registration of the full set of namespace, types, classes, etc. with Mirror |
mirror/raw_ptr/auditor.hpp [code] | Generic template for type cast auditors |
mirror/raw_ptr/int_seq_cmp.hpp [code] | Custom type comparator |
mirror/raw_ptr/raw_ptr.hpp [code] | Definition of raw_ptr class for safer working with untyped pointers |
mirror/raw_ptr/type_info_cmp.hpp [code] | Standard type_info-based type comparator |
mirror/stream/base.hpp [code] | Basic definitions for the Mirror's stream facility |
mirror/stream/json.hpp [code] | JSON iostream writer implementation |
mirror/stream/meta_xml.hpp [code] | XML iostream writer implementation |
mirror/stream/simple_struct.hpp [code] | A structured object representation iostream writer implementation |
mirror/stream/xml.hpp [code] | XML iostream writer implementation |
mirror/type_traits/is_copy_constructible.hpp [code] | Trait type for detecting the presence of a copy constructor of a type |
mirror/type_traits/is_default_constructible.hpp [code] | Trait type for detecting the presence of a default constructor of a type |
mirror/utils/boostfs_factory.hpp [code] | Boost.Filesystem-based factory generator plugin |
mirror/utils/default_suppliers.hpp [code] | Default implementation of the Suppliers parameter for simple factories that do not support copy construction |
mirror/utils/enum_val_by_name.hpp [code] | Value by name getter for enumerated types |
mirror/utils/lex_conv.hpp [code] | Lexical converter for the native types defined in mirror/utils/native_types.hpp |
mirror/utils/lex_match.hpp [code] | Lexical matcher for the native types defined in mirror/utils/native_types.hpp |
mirror/utils/libpq_factory.hpp [code] | Postgresql/libpq-based factory template for the factory generator utility |
mirror/utils/mijson.hpp [code] | Simple in-place non-modifying JSON parser |
mirror/utils/mijson_factory.hpp [code] | Mijson-parser-based factory generator plugin |
mirror/utils/native_types.hpp [code] | Native types for the utilities provided by Mirror |
mirror/utils/polymorph_factory.hpp [code] | Polymorphic factory template for the factory generator utility |
mirror/utils/quick_reg.hpp [code] | Boost.Preprocessor-based quick registering macros |
mirror/utils/rapidxml_factory.hpp [code] | RapidXML-based factory generator plugin |
mirror/utils/script_factory.hpp [code] | Framework for creating script parsing factory generator plugins |
mirror/utils/sdn_factory.hpp [code] | Framework for creating structured data notation factory plugins |
mirror/utils/soci_factory.hpp [code] | Postgresql/soci-based factory template for the factory generator utility |
mirror/utils/some_type.hpp [code] | A type erasure similar to boost any |
mirror/utils/sql_factory.hpp [code] | Framework for creating SQL-dataset-based factory generator plugins |
mirror/utils/unused_type.hpp [code] | A type for unused parameters |
mirror/utils/wx_gui_factory.hpp [code] | WxWidgets-based GUI factory template for the factory generator utility |
mirror/utils/wxxml_factory.hpp [code] | WxXml-based factory generator plugin |
mirror/utils/quick_reg/class.hpp [code] | |
mirror/utils/quick_reg/enum.hpp [code] | |
mirror/utils/quick_reg/free_variable.hpp [code] | |
mirror/utils/quick_reg/pod_class.hpp [code] | |
/home/chochlik/devel/mirror-lib/src/mirror/example/classes.hpp [code] | |
/home/chochlik/devel/mirror-lib/src/mirror/example/factories/input_ui.hpp [code] | |
/home/chochlik/devel/mirror-lib/src/mirror/example/factories/person.hpp [code] | |
/home/chochlik/devel/mirror-lib/src/mirror/example/factories/tetrahedron.hpp [code] | |